Saturday, August 25, 2007

How to Optimize your Website - Part 3

Titles, meta tags, alt tags etc

By now you will have your desired keywords that you want to optimize your site for. Firstly you want to include your keywords in your page Title. Keep it at 36 characters or less, and separate each keyword with a divider. Put the most important first, followed by the others in decreasing order.

These terms need to be included in both metatags, description and keywords. There are less and less search engines using the metatag keywords, but some do so it makes sence to include them. Your metatags should be limited in length, the longer they are the less effective they are, and can be ignored completely if they exceed 280 characters.

Each of your images can be labeled with your keywords by using alt text, make sure you add either "image 1", or "photo 1" etc after each line of alt text so that the GYM SE's know what you are labelling.

Where possible you want to use H1, H2, H3 headings etc as these are read and used to help your ranking. Make sure then that your headings contain your keywords.

The footer needs to be constructed so that in your footer you can make the last words on your page are your keywords, that way The GYM SE's will look at your page and see that the first and last words are the same, and your page also contains headings, metatags, images etc all called or related to your keywords and they will then rank your site on that basis.

For further information on Search Engine Optimization or Internet Marketing go to

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