Friday, December 28, 2012

Blogging Goals for 2013

Blogging Goals for 2013

It doesn't matter where you are currently with your blog, only where you want to be by this time next year.

Blogging isn't a get rich quick business by any stretch of the imagination, rather it is a get rich slowly scheme, assuming of course that you are doing all the right things at the right time.

The next question you should be asking your self is whether you are doing all the right things? What are the right things? How much should you be doing them?

If you want your blog to be earning you real money that you can take to the shops and spend then you unfortunately have to put in the initial work to make it successful first.

There is an old saying that there is no such thing as easy money..... and to an extent that is true, but if you look at what it actually takes to work from home writing a blog, there are lots of advantages, that add up to make it about the easiest way to make money online.

No commute, no early starts, no alarm clocks if you don't want them, no train journeys, no rain, no parking charges, no traffic wardens, no suits, no intolerable office colleagues...... shall I continue?

The benefits of earning a living from anywhere you choose to be are many fold, you can run your blog from home, holiday, cafe, beach, anywhere you choose, in just an hour or two a day.

To begin with, we would recommend spending as much time as you have available on your blog, so that it grows as quickly as possible for you. The faster you can make it successful, the quicker you can afford to easy back and reap the rewards.

So how are you going to make your blog successful in 2013? What are you going to do that will drive it forwards?

Here is a list of the Blogging Goals you should be thinking about if you want to achieve success in a year:

1. Write a blog post every day
There will of course be days that you really have nothing to say, but they should be few and far between. There are many different ways of coming up with a subject for a new post. It's not a coincidence that the majority of top 100 Technorati blogs all post new content at least once a day..... you should do the same.

2. Ping your post with 2 pinging services every day
This process gets your new content found and ranked really quickly.... read more about pinging blogs

3. Share your Content Socially
Get in the habit of sharing each new post on Facebook, Twitter, Google+, LinkedIn etc It is a great way to build your audience and get your message out there.

4. Comment on Other Niche Blogs
Being active within your niche will help you to grow the popularity of your blog. If you really want to become successful, add 20 top quality blog comments on your competitors blogs each and every day.

5. Use Social Bookmarking Sites
Social Bookmarks are a great way to build followers to your content. Start by bookmarking all of your posts with as many social bookmarking sites as you can. It really is a case of the more the merrier.

If you just do these 5 things, your blog will be well on it's way to profitability, but there are a few other things you should also be considering too......

Monday, December 17, 2012

How to Make Money Online

How to Make Money Online

 If you are looking to earn some extra money online, or to start a business that you can run from home, there has never been a better time to start working from home, and making money online.

Regardless of your experience, there are many opportunities for almost anyone to get ahead and make additional income without ever leaving home.

 If you are sat at home wondering how to get started, then you should read this post...... click here as it has some great starting out ideas.

Do you have a passion or interest that you know a lot about? Something that you could share with others? Then maybe starting a blog would be a good route for you to consider?

A blog can be a great way to generate significant income online if you are prepared to work hard and keep plugging away at the keyboard until you have built up a large volume of followers.

Choosing a Niche for your blog

Choosing a Niche for your blog

Choosing a niche for your blog is the single most important part of the setting up a blog process.

Your success will be determined by how well you research your niche for potential traffic, and how much interest you have in the main niche topic.

If you are setting out blogging and are looking for a niche to blog about, here are a few considerations;

1/ Blog about something you know
2/ Blog about something that interests you
3/ Blog about something that has popularity
4/ Blog about something scalable

You blog needs to be timeless.

Even though many posts will be relevant to a particular time or date, if you had for example set up in 2007 when London was confirmed, and may well have written hundreds of pages of content, you would now be a bit stuck, because the event has happened and your blog is no longer relevant.

 If instead, you had created a blog about Athletics, and included a section about London 2012 then your blog would still be capable of working.

Finding a niche for your blog that interests you is vital, because in order to make your blog popular, you are going to be writing new content for it on a regular basis.

If you are not passionate about your niche, you will soon struggle to generate high quality content that your readers will be interested in.

For more information about finding a niche for your blog, click the link.

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Using Twitter Effectively

How to Use Twitter Effectively

Getting the most out of twitter takes a little knowledge, and a little time.

The big secret is that you need to have targeted followers, and to use the correct #tags in your tweets.

Followers need to be interested in your niche. There is no point collecting randoms just for the sake of it.

How to use twitter effectively

Instead, follow people who are already following niche related twitter accounts.

Selecting the right #tags to include in your tweets is also important. You want to target the right audience without spamming them with unrelated content, so explore the popular used #tags using the search bar, and only use the ones suitable to your tweets.

Twitter is also a medium for sending people to content rather than selling to them, and if you remember this then you will go far.

Use your content to sell, the purpose of your tweet is to get a click through to the content.

Experimentation is the key to success, see what works, see what doesn't and make some changes and try again.

Find out more about using Twitter effectively HERE

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Facebook is FREE Advertising

Facebook is FREE Advertising

Using Facebook and other social networking sites such as Google+, Twitter and LinkedIn for marketing is a great way to get free traffic to your website or blog.

Apart for the time needed to make a few posts, it doesn't have to cost you anything to get in front of thousands of potential customers.

It is important to treat those prospects right though, as social media is not the same as some traditional forms of advertising.

If you are looking to generate new business and need additional sales channels, then Facebook, Google+ and Twitter might just be the channels that you need to succeed.

You of course need to set your accounts up, and manage them correctly in order to get the maximum benefit from your efforts. There are some great suggestions HERE which will get you started on the right path.

You can also find out more here as well.

Facebook is here to stay and even though some people are keen to resist it, it can be a useful tool if correctly used.

Which Auto Responder?


Auto responders and email management systems that can be set up to automatically send your contacts specific emails at set times.

When a contact signs up to one of your lists, for example to your Newsletter, they will receive a welcome email, followed a few days later (or at a time frame that you decide) by a second email then a third, etc again at a time specified by you.

Auto responders are a great way to get your message out to your contacts in a controlled, time efficient way.

Popular Autoresponders;


Get Response


Intouch CRM

Elysium Connect

Which ever you choose, (and they all have slightly different features to choose from) you will be able to set up a series of email messages to send to specific mailing lists or contacts.

To find out more about Auto responders and how to use them most efficiently, take a look at this autoresponder guide for more information.

Staying in touch with your customers, prospects, leads or suppliers is more important than ever. If you have a database that you want to promote yourself to, you should be using an auto responder to do so quickly and efficiently.

Monday, November 19, 2012

Making Money from your Blog

How easy is it to actually make money from a blog?

What is involved in the process?

What do you need to do in order to be successful?

These are questions that we get asked time and time again. Millions of people fail to get their blogs off the ground because they don't understand what they need to do to succeed.

Blogging isn't any different to any other method of generating money, all it requires is a little know how, and lots of time patience and persistence. If you have a blog and want to turn it into a money spinning enterprise, you need to know what you should be doing in order to make that happen.

The vast majority of people who make a start fall at the first hurdle, which is 'consistency'.

Here's how it goes;

You have something to say about a particular niche, subject etc, so you create a blog and for the first few days you publish some great content.

By the end of the first week you are struggling for things to say, so your posting frequency begins to drop off before you have really gotten started. The major search engines never establish a pattern for your posting, so don't visit you very often, so your site doesn't get many visitors.

This makes you more despondent and you end up either stopping completely, or posting on a random cycle that doesn't do anything to encourage visits from either real people of search engines.

...And so your blog fails.

How you should Blog

If instead you had a working template of things you need to do, then you would stand a much better chance of success.

All the steps you need to succeed, written down in front of you for you to follow, with further information on each step if you need it.

Blogging is just a case of keeping on keeping on ans Winston Churchill used to say.

The No.1 biggest reason for failure is that people don't get instant results and so quit.

Being realistic, from your starting point, it is going to take you 6 months of posting daily before you begin to get some decent traffic numbers.

It sounds like a long time, but that initial 6 months is the most important time in your blogs life, and will determine success or failure. If you are prepared to put in the initial work then you will build a blog that will make you money.

Find out everything that you need to know about building a successful money making blog..... start here......

You should also sign up to the newsletter as that will help to keep you motivated, on track and focused, as well as offering you all the advice, tips and tricks that you will need as your blog grows bigger and bigger.... newsletter sign up Take the first step to making your blog work and sign up free today.

Saturday, November 10, 2012

Using Twitter for Marketing

Twitter and Marketing

Using Twitter for Marketing is relatively straightforward. You just need to follow a few simple rules in order to make it work for you.

Here are some great ideas that will help you to drive quality traffic

Use advanced search options to locate opportunities. The advanced search opportunities at allow you to insert keywords that people would use in conversations to find you or your product or service. For example, I search for people who are tweeting the phrase "looking for speaker." It turns up a ton of tweets related to event or meeting planners. Once I find these keywords in posts, I reach out to the person who tweeted them to say hello, ask to connect and start building a relationship.

....... Read more from this article

Seek Business-Specific Conversations

If you use Twitter for nothing else, use it to learn from others. Head to hashtags like #SMB or #smallbiz for advice, resources and current news of the small business variety (also follow along during Twitter chats). Although broad hashtags like these can generate an overwhelming number of tweets every day, tune in every so often for a quick update. A couple of scrolls down the feed could inspire your next blog post, marketing tactic or bestseller.
If you seek a more specific conversation, narrow hashtags down by topic. The #marketing hashtag contains a ton of small business-related content, as does #sales. Or take a peek in the #startups or #entrepreneurs hashtag for inspirational profiles in the space. Finally, if you’re looking for tips on meeting like-minded businesspeople, try the #networking hashtag, where you’ll find information on meetups and advice on making connections.

.........Read the full article

Use Twitter to Promote a New Book

On 16th of Feb. we had an interesting and informative webinar about Using Twitter on Market Your Book. Our panel consisted of Carolyn-Howard Johnson (author of the HowToDoItFrugally series), Joel Friedlander (proprietor of Marin Bookworks), Laurel Marshfield (professional writer, ghostwriter and developmental editor), Phyllis Zimbler Miller (co-founder of Miller Mosaic Power Marketing) and Penny C. Sansevieri (CEO of Author Marketing Experts, Inc.).

We answered a lot of questions but still had a few unanswered. This post answers those questions. If you have any questions, please leave them in the comments for our panel.

1. I was wondering if anyone had any tips on staying on top of the traffic – how do we work through the noise to get tweets that are relevant. The flipside of that is how do we break through the noise as promoters – to help others to focus on our tweets. [Magdalena Ball]

....... see the answer to this here

Beginners Guide to Becoming a Twitter Marketing Expert

Twitter can be a fantastic tool for getting your message across to thousands of targeted people who are talking about, or have an interest in your specific goods or services.

In order to harness the power of Twitter though, you need to have a good understanding of how it works in order make it work for you.

To get started, first you are going to need a Twitter account. You can have different Twitter accounts for different subjects, and doing so will help you to target the specific followers that will be interested in your goods or services.

Firstly try to find a username that says what you do, or what your product is, as it will aid your profile when people are searching for those goods and services.

Once you have a profile set up and have verified your email address for the account, you can begin by posting a few tweets and following a few people.

Tweets are 140 characters in length maximum, so you need to be concise in what you say. You will also want to include a link to content that you want to show your followers. Links are often long, and on Twitter are a waste of characters, so sign up for a account which will automatically shorten your links for you. Just add your Twitter account settings in your account, under settings/connected accounts.

Saturday, May 12, 2012

Search Engine Optimization in Bedford

Deeho SEO have been providing SEO services in Bedford for over eleven years. Through carefully practiced methods and procedures we have developed successful Google friendly methods that deliver results for our clients time after time.

We start by learning about our clients business model, and look in depth at what they want to achieve for their business.

A website should work for you like a 24 / 7 sales team, driving enquiries or direct sales through your website, to your business, and we make sure that we are going to be driving appropriate traffic that will convert into real sales for your business, day after day, week after week, year after year.

To find out how you can make your website work for you, please request a totally free, non obligation 175 point website audit from us by clicking HERE

There is much more to successful SEO than just bringing traffic to a website. The skill is to bring the right visitors from the right sources so that you will see a healthy return on your investment.